Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lets go Hunting!

Sorry its been quiet on the blog. Though naveh has been buzzing since December because of [dirty.little.secrets]. Tash, owner of [dirty.little.secrets], has become the hunt mistress. Check out the link below to see what hunts they have going on. There is aways a hunt ready to go with [covert.hunts]

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Stores!

Over the past month, new stores have moved on to Naveh.

first store is dirty.little.secret from Tash Porthos. Tash is an awesome designer with a great sense of fashion. She designs furniture, skyboxes, and various other items. :D Feel free to come see her.

The second store is scritches from Jase Seaside. Scritches is a furry mod store and furry hang out. :D

Also an announcement, Naveh's parcel maybe expanding on envision. We will have more room for new stores and builders that need a place to build. We will see in january if the land will be expanding :D

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Background :D

I just want to put this out there. I'm up for a suggested background to put on the blog. As lina likes to remind me, I tend to choose some pretty abstract and out there backgrounds :P Some tend to scare people. hehe. So i'm taking suggestions.

The current background is because it is breast cancer awareness month. I think though cancer awareness in general should always be in our minds. I, personally, just had a scare myself with cancer. I was lucky it was caught early. Yay for prevention! So, I'm leaving this look up until i get a suggestion. :D

No news on Naveh to report. :D Its still calm....mostly cause we're having computer issues. Naveh Serenity's computer went BOOM. So...she has stopped releases until she can create again. And well Violina is without a computer :D that can do anything useful. So yeah, no announcements. I say winter or spring...thats when things will pick up. Fall is very much a family and school time for those of the Naveh parcel.

Oh we still have land for rent for anyone who wishes to rent some prims. we do offer free housing (but with restrictions..most don't seem to mind) and a place to tp to, as we always have. We are very helpful to anyone wishing to give their business a home or start a new one. We're still waiting for chibbi to put her store down....but she's a stubborn one ;) We still love her though. hehe If you're interested, just leave a note card to naveh serenity or email If you email naveh and don't get a response after a week, send a note card. I hate how odd spam is at times

Good day everyone!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quiet on the forefront!

Ground of the Naveh parcel where store information is located
Naveh has been quiet the past few months, and maybe for a couple more. The stores on ground moved into the sky with teleport doors on the ground. A few have become marketplace only stores, which is why we now have a board up for that. Anne's attic has been removed. Sadly an sl building bug has made Eaving remove her store. We do expect a new store soon enough from Violina Dionysus. Possibly a new marketplace store from Cadence Haiku. Naveh Serenity has been quite busy making clothes. You can check out her blog if you wish to keep up!

Marketplace Board. Click a sign and links you to that store's marketplace
I also thought since it was the end of the summer that I would give the blog a bright feel. :D Yes, its probably blinding to most ;) and I will be killed later. Oh well. I'll enjoy it for now.

Overall, most have just considered Naveh their home to relax at and enjoy, which is the purpose of Naveh.

I hope you enjoy your day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spherit's Graveyard

I blogged about this once on my personal blog after it was made, and now it is up for sell. Come see for yourself at! These are the original blog pictures. This is a very beautiful Creation from Enigma, aka Pleasure Velinov.  If you come to see it, please set to midnight...its beautiful that way

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wanted: Creators needing a store

I have a big empty spot if theres anyone wanting to put down a store. I, for once, will probably charge. I don't charge those I invite to the land....but this isn't invite this is a piece of land thats bugging me. I got 1600 prims available. Pick how many you want to use and i'll charge you based on it. I just charge what my land lord charges, who charges the same as LL.


more changes

I don't know about you, but this blog needs a face lift the tree in the background i did one day just scares me. I think i got a little lost in my own creativity. For now, I put up something a little more light hearted, literally a heart, on the page until i can find something that fits more the theme of naveh. Who knows what it may be. Blogger changes constantly, but at least the page won't look creepy on the first visit.

Not much to update at Naveh. Two new marketplace stores by Chibbi and Eni. Marketplace stores are stores that have no sl shop, but we do support them and help promote them.

The owner of Chibbi is a roleplayer. You will see many things relating to roleplay in her store, mostly gorean roleplay. She is a builder and creates textures. She does a variety of things and builds what ever she feels like. She does aspire to one day do cosplay. I see much coming from her in the future.

Eni (Pleasure Velinov) is a very creative artist I have known for a while. He does custom photoshop pictures, tattoos, and various builds. His design is artistic and sometimes gothic. Good example is this blogger he works on when he's bored (never posts to it but click and you'll know why) He does take requests if you ask him. He's not new to creation, but he is new to the idea of selling his items. I can't wait to see what he makes.

Our creators are slowly growing in numbers, which is exciting. We at Naveh love to see the creation of artistic works and watch others grow in their dreams in SL. We encourage it.

Now i must dally my way back to RL. Enjoy your SL!